The Christmas Conservatory

The Christmas Conservatory

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Post Christmas Blues Article - eHow

I find it harder and harder to let go of Christmas shortly after the excitement of
New Year's Eve passes. I found this article and thought it would be worth sharing. 

"I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year." 
~ Charles Dickens (1812-1870), English author. From 'A Christmas Carol'.

How to handle Post Christmas Blues
The Christmas season is filled with activity. The days and weeks following
Christmas can be depressing. The pace of life slows down, for some, winter
gray becomes not only the color of the sky but the color of their mood, and
for some a sense of loneliness settles in once the holiday festivities are over.
There are ways to avoid post Christmas blues, beginning with a plan of
Difficulty: Moderately Easy


  1. 1
    When the holiday season comes to an end so do the parties and family gatherings. The absence of a full social calendar can cause one to feel lonely. Prior to Christmas or shortly thereafter, make plans to spend an evening out with friends once a week throughout the year. Look for winter activities that you can attend that will provide you with an opportunity to mingle and meet new friends.
  2. 2
    During the Christmas season family members often travel to a certain location in order to celebrate the season with family that they seldom have the opportunity to visit with. Once everyone returns to their home, a sense of sadness may occur among siblings, parents, and children who would like to maintain a closer connection with each other. While everyone is together for Christmas, devise a plan for remaining more connected through phone calls, e-mails, photos, or snail mail. If at all possible, arrange a summer reunion.
  3. 3
    All of those holiday decorations will have to be taken down. Somehow that isn't as enjoyable as the process of decorating. Usually, some rearranging must be done in order to make room for the Christmas tree and other holiday decorations. When taking them down, praise yourself for storing them in an organized manner. Before putting your house back in the order it was prior to Christmas, consider rearranging your furniture and changing your decor items to start the new year with a different look.
  4. 4
    Even though you might not want to admit it, you may feel disappointed if you do not receive a gift you really wanted. Lots of things go on sale after Christmas. If possible, buy yourself the gift you wanted. If the item is no longer available or if it is too expensive for you to purchase, buy yourself a different gift. It's better to do something nice for yourself than to harbor anger or sadness over a gift you didn't get.
  5. 5
    Winter doesn't mean you have to confine yourself totally to the indoors. Try taking a walk each day. Exercise indoors if the weather is too bad to be outside. Open your blinds or curtains to allow as much light inside as possible. Put some colorful plants in your home. Keep a positive frame of mind and look for the beauty in winter.

By VerjheHow Member

In short: Stay busy and create events so you ALWAYS have something to look forward to.